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时间:2021年09月09日  作者:  点击:











1子科大物理学院 2)阿坝师院应用物理研究所3成都瞬态科技有限公司.




1Yang Wei., Sun Jiuxun. etc, Thermodynamic properties of solid face centered cubic Rb3C60 at high temperature and pressure. Indian J Phys201488(3):265–270   (SCI )

2Zhu xiao-ling, et.al.First-Principles Study of the Elastic, Hardness and Electronic Propertiesof MoAlB Under High Pressure, Journal of the Korean Physical Society.2019 (SCI )

3YangWei.etc,Thermodynamic and weak cosmic censorship conjecture in Reissner-Nordstrom anti-de Sitter black holes with scalar fieldNewclear Physics B2019,946114722),(SCI )

4Zhu xiao-ling, et.al. Theoretical study of the band gap of SrS in GW approximation Physica Status Solidi b 248 (2011) 2864SCI

5Yang Wei. etc, Analytic equation of state and thermodynamic properties for solid FCC C60 over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Eur. Phys. J. B, 2012, 5:193-199  (SCI )

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7Y.F. Zhang, P.P. Liu, X.L. Zhu, Li decorated penta-silicene as a high capacity hydrogen storage material: A density functional theory study, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46, 4188-4200.SCI

8Yang Wei., Sun Jiuxun. et.al. Thermodynamic properties of cubic boron nitride based on ananalytic mean field approach. Eur. Phys. J. B, 2009, 71(2): 211-217 SCI

9)Y.F. Zhang, X.Y. Han, X.L. Cheng, The high capacity hydrogen storage material of Y-doped B40:A theoretical study, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2020, 739, 136961. SCI

10Y.F. Zhang, X.L. Cheng, Hydrogen adsorption property of Na-decorated boron monolayer: A first principles investigation, Physica E, 2019, 107, 170-176. SCI

11Y.F. Zhang, X.L. Cheng, A novel hydrogen storage medium of Ca-coated B40: First principles study, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43, 1533815347. SCI

12Y.F. Zhang, X.L. Cheng, Hydrogen storage property of alkali and alkaline-earth metal atoms decorated C24 fullerene: A DFT study, Chem. Phys. 2018, 505, 26-33. SCI

13Geng-Hua Yu, Peng-Yi Zhao,Wei Yang,etc. Isotope shift calculations of Li-like neutron-rich and neutron-deficient Mg isotopes, Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(2): 1750003 SCI

14Geng-HuaYu, Peng-Yi Zhao, Bing-Ming XuWei Yang, Xiao-Ling Zhu. Isotope shift calculations for D lines of stable and short-lived lithium nuclei. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(11): 113102 SCI

15Yu Geng-Hua, Geng Ying-Ge, Li Long, et.al., The ac Stark shifts of the terahertz clock transitions of barium, Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24(10):103201 SCI

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17Liu Hong, Zheng Li, Yang Wei,etc. Photoionization in GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor SwitchesAdvanced Materials Research2014Vols. 941631-634. EI

18Liu Hong, Zheng Li, Yang Wei,etc. Carrier generation in high gain GaAs photo-conductive semiconductor Switches, Advances in Laser Technology and Applications, 2015Vol. 9671 96711D-1-3  (EI)

19Cheng Hao, Yang Wei, Liu Hong, et.alMagnetoresistance of the ferromagnetic nanocontacts fabricated by electrodepositionChin Sci Bull201358 No.6598-602. (SCI )

20Cheng Hao, Yang Wei, Liu Hong. et.alMagnetoresistance of the thin film ferromagnetic nanoconstrictions. Chin Sci Bull201257 No.5: 445-449  (SCI )



    杨维 博士,副教授,四川省物理学会理事,437ccm必赢国际1315工程中青年骨干教师。主要从事凝聚态物理理论、材料热物性及相变、宽广温度压力下固体和流体状态方程、以及生物电磁学等领域的研究;曾作为第一主研参与了包括国家自然基金、教育部“新世纪人才支持计划”、四川省青年科技基金等多个项目的研究;近五年主持省厅局级科研项目2项,横向科研项目3项。目前在国外SCI期刊发表科研论文10余篇,专利3项,编写教材教辅3部。







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